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How to Use AAF Files From Resound in Pro Tools and Logic Pro
How to Use AAF Files From Resound in Pro Tools and Logic Pro

How to export AAF files, import into Pro Tools and Logic, and a list of DAWs that support AAF files

Updated over 10 months ago

AAF files, or Advanced Authoring Format, are a type of audio file which allow data to be easily transferred from one program to another.

In plain English, AAFs are a file format (.aaf) that let Audio Engineers and creators take edited audio from Resound and seamlessly keep editing it in Pro Tools or Logic.

How to export an AAF from Resound

  1. Log into Resound at

  2. Upload and process a new episode, or re-open an existing episode

  3. Review edits

  4. Click Export section > select AAF > click Export button

How to Import an AAF into Pro Tools

Option 1:

  1. Find the AAF folder in Downloads folder

  2. Right-click on the AAF > "Open With" > "Pro Tools"

  3. Review AAF import settings (make sure Audio Media Settings are set to "copy from source media")

  4. Click "Import"

Option 2:

  1. Create a New Session in Pro Tools or open existing session

  2. Find the AAF folder in Downloads folder

  3. Drag and drop the AAF file into Pro Tools

  4. Review AAF import settings (make sure Audio Media Settings are set to "copy from source media")

  5. Click "Import"

Note: This video contains outdated UI. We will update the video soon.

How to Import an AAF into Logic Pro

  1. Open Logic

  2. Click File > Import > AAF

  3. Select your AAF File

  4. If necessary, select the WAV file to sync up track

  5. Review your edits from Resound in Logic

Note: This video contains outdated UI. We will update the video soon.

Which DAWs Allow You To Import AAF Files from Resound?

Unfortunately, not every digital audio workstation (DAW) works with AAFs. Some tools can export AAFs but not import AAFs. See the chart below to learn which programs accept AAFs.

Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

Import AAFs from Resound

Export AAFs from DAW

Pro Tools

Logic Pro X


Adobe Audition






How to relink AAF files in Pro Tools (bug fix)

As of October 2022 there is a known bug that is causing AAF files in Pro Tools to unlink. We are working to fix this asap. In the meantime, please follow the instructions in the video below to manually relink your AAF file to continue using this feature. Thanks!

How to relink an AAF file in Pro Tools

  1. When prompted, select "Manually Find & Relink" files

  2. Rename the wav file within the AAF folder you downloaded to Resound to match the AAF file name (it will look something like "tmpoxp24f_a")

  3. Within the Find & Relink tool, search for your downloads folder and select it

  4. Click "Find All Candidates"

  5. Once your wav file has been found, select the file and click "Commit Links"

  6. Success! Your AAF file is relinked and ready to use

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