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The most common questions we get asked at Resound

Updated over 10 months ago


What is Resound?

Resound is the AI editing app for podcasters. Resound exists to automate the tedious parts of podcasting so that you can focus on your message, not your mess-ups. Automatically detect umms and ahhs in your podcast in minutes.

Resound app editor modal

Key Features

  • Filler sound detection — Automatically find your umms and ahhs in minutes so you don’t have to listen back to every minute of your episode. Resound finds the edits, you decide whether to cut or keep them.

  • Silence Detection — Automatically find long and boring silences in your audio.

  • Enhance — Get our go-to podcast mix done by AI in a single click.

  • Trim Audio — Make your own cuts to audio with a simple right-click.

  • Export studio-quality audio — Export your edited audio as a WAV, MP3, or AAF after you’ve edited.

  • Export AAFs for DAWs — Fine-tune your edits in Pro Tools with AAF exports.

  • Unlimited Revisions — Revise and re-export your edited audio anytime.

  • Multitrack Editing — Edit up to 4 tracks simultaneously. All tracks will be displayed together on the front end as a single waveform, but your tracks are edited individually behind the scenes.

Learn more about Resound

What languages does Resound support?

Resound’s machine learning models for filler sound detection are optimized for audio in English. Resound has not been optimized for any other language except for English at this time.

However, many users from around the world have tried Resound and found that it still works on their audio. Users have tried detecting ums and ahs in their audio for Spanish, German, French, Polish, and many other languages. They often report that they are very happy with the results. In other words, if you're not sure that Resound supports your language, just give it a try anyways on our free trial to see how it works.

Resound can also detect silences across all languages and mix and master audio with Enhance regardless of language.

What's on Resound's Roadmap for the future?

See our public Roadmap, request features, and see what's new at


Can I detect filler sounds in Resound?

Yes! Resound detects filler sounds like ums and ahs with AI that has been specifically trained to make the most accurate edits. You can review each edit to cut (delete) or keep (leave in). Or you can cut all in one click. We've built this over 4 years and reached an incredibly accurate standard. Learn more here.

Can I detect long silences in Resound?

Yes! Resound automatically detects long and boring silences when you process audio through the app. You can review each edit to cut (delete) or keep (leave in). Or you can cut all in one click. Learn more here.

Can I make my own edits in Resound?

Yes, you can easily make your own manual edits in Resound. Just right-click anywhere on the waveform to highlight a section you wish to cut (aka delete).

Can I adjust the volume of a track in Resound?

Yes, you can automatically adjust the volume of your tracks using AI in Resound. Just upload to Resound and click the Enhance icon to normalize the sound of your track or tracks, and mix and master them.

You cannot manually adjust the volume of tracks at this time, but our Enhance feature will do this for you. Learn more in this guide to Enhance.

Can I mix and master my audio in Resound?

Yes, you can easily mix and master your audio or video with Resound's AI. Enhance automatically mixes and masters your podcast to sound crisp, clear, and polished before you hit publish. Learn more here.

Can I record audio or video in Resound?

Unfortunately, you cannot record audio in Resound. We believe in radical focus. And we’re hyper-focused on building the AI audio engineer of the future, not building a recording platform.

If you want to record a solo track, we recommend using Resonate’s free online voice recorder. If you’re recording 2 or more people, we recommend using Riverside.

Can Resound show a transcription of the audio?

Resound does not currently offer Transcriptions of audio. Though we may in the future.

Can Resound cut "you know, right, so," etc automatically?

No, Resound cannot detect filler words like you know, right, so, and, etc. Resound currently detects filler sounds (um, ah, eh) and silences, but not filler words such as you know, right, so, and, etc. If you want to cut out additional mistakes that Resound did not detect, you can simply right-click on the waveform to add your own edits.

Can Resound mute silence in only one track (multitrack editing)?

No, Resound cannot mute silence in only one track inside of a multitrack project. Currently, Multitrack editing in Resound applies edits to both tracks, for a simplified workflow that keeps all your edits in sync. For example, if you cut out an umm from track 1 it will also cut out the same timestamp from track 2 (to keep tracks in sync).

Can I invite teammates to Resound?

Right now the easiest way to share Resound with a collaborator is to share your login information. We do not yet have admin roles and permissions, though we hope to add this in the future.

Note: Never share your password with someone you don't know or trust. Use a secure service like 1password or Proton Pass to share passwords with others in an encrypted way.

Can Resound replace a filler sound with silence?

Right now Resound cannot replace an edit with silence, though we may add this in the future.

Can I add intro/outro music in Resound?

No, Resound currently does not allow you to add intro and outro music to an existing project. However, we're working on adding this feature, so that should be available soon. For right now, your best option will be to add music with a tool like GarageBand, Audacity, or your DAW of choice after you process files through Resound.

Can I merge separate clips together?

No, at this time you cannot merge multiple tracks together.

Resound lets you stack up to 4 separate tracks on top of each other (meaning they both start at the same time) but does not yet support combining multiple tracks linearly (ex: track 1 plays from 1-3 mins, track 2 plays from 3 mins to 40 mins).

Can I rename my file/project in Resound?

No, Resound does not yet offer the ability to rename your files or project. We plan to add this soon but don't currently have the ability to rename projects in Resound.

Does Resound support 32-bit float files?

No. Resound does not yet support 32-bit float files, though we hope to add this in the future.

Can I export XMLs for Davinci, Premiere Pro, or Final Cut Pro?

No, Resound cannot currently export XML video files. We hope to add this feature in the future though! See a full list of accepted file formats here.

When do projects get deleted from Resound?

Projects in Resound are deleted after 1 day for free users, 15 days for Creator users, 30 days for Professional users, and 60 days for Studio users.

Can I rename projects or files in Resound?

No, right now you cannot rename projects or files within Resound. This is a feature we'd like to add in the future, but do not yet support. Upvote this feature on our public roadmap here.

Can I find and remove breaths in Resound?

No, Resound currently does not detect or reduce breaths in audio or video files. However, we do improve the sound quality of your files with our Enhance feature, which uses AI to mix and master your audio. Learn more about Enhance here and upvote this feature request for breath detection/reduction here.

Can Resound export short clips instead of exporting full-length files?

No, currently Resound cannot export shorter clips from a full-length project. If the project in Resound is 10 minutes, Resound will only export the entire project from start to finish. Want us to change that? Request a new feature here.

Think Resound is missing a feature? Read our roadmap, request a feature, and see what's new in Resound at

Uploads and Downloads

How do I upload and process a file?

To upload a file in Resound, follow these steps:

  1. Open Resound.

  2. Select "Upload a File”

  3. Locate the files you want to process on your computer.

  • If uploading only 1 file, just click the file name

  • If uploading multiple files, hold down Shift then select all the files you wish to upload

  1. Wait for your session to process.

  2. Review all your edits then export

Uploading and processing is not working. What should I do?

If uploading your audio file to Resound is not working, here’s what you should do:

  • If Resound is not letting you upload a specific file, make sure you are using a file that matches the file formats Resound accepts. If you have a file format that we do not accept, we recommend using to convert to a WAV file.

  • If Resound is not letting you upload a multitrack project, there could be two problems. First, make sure you have upgraded to a paid plan to unlock this feature. Second, make sure you are uploading 4 or less files at one time. Currently Resound only supports up to 4 files at a time. If this limit is an issue, reach out and let us know.

  • If Resound is processing but it’s been less than 10-30 mins, keep waiting a bit longer. Sometimes it takes a long time if your file is large, you have multiple files to upload, or your internet connection is slow. (You can also run a free internet speed test to see if that is the problem)

  • If Resound has been processing for 30 mins or more, something might have failed. Reach out to our team to get support. Under normal circumstances Resound should not take more than roughly 10 minutes to process a project, but for some massive projects like 4K video files it can take a really long time, even more than 30 minutes. But if you suspect that something is truly not working, reach out to us in the app Messenger and let us know.

How long does it take to upload and process audio in Resound?

Processing in Resound can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 15 minutes or more.

This depends primarily on the speed of your internet connection, the size of your files, and the number of files. Because of how subjective this is, it’s hard to give a concrete time that it takes.

As soon as you drop a file into Resound, the app begins a multi-step process of (1) uploading your file, (2) processing it, then (3) creating an editing session for you to review.

Uploading the file takes the longest time, and that is why the main factor that slows down this process is the size of files and your individual internet speed.

If you believe the app is not working (and it’s been more than 10-20 mins with your project) feel free to reach out in the app messenger to get support.

How do I export and download a file?

To export audio in Resound, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Resound at

  2. Upload your project or open an existing project

  3. Make any necessary edits to your audio

  4. Click "Export" and select the desired file format (e.g., MP3, WAV)

  5. If you're working with a multitrack project and want individual tracks, select "Include Individual Tracks"

Resound will export the files you are currently listening to in the app. If the Enhance feature is on, the exported files will be enhanced; if it's off, the exported files will be your original audio files.

Your download will be saved to your computer's Downloads folder automatically.

Exporting and downloading is not working. What should I do?

If exporting your audio from Resound is not working, here’s what you should do:

  • If Resound is exporting but it’s been less than 10-30 mins, keep waiting a bit longer. Sometimes it takes a long time if your file is large, you have a multitrack project, you selected multiple file formats, or your internet connection is slow. (You can also run a free internet speed test to see if that is the problem)

  • If Resound is stuck at 100%, that means we are preparing your file to download. This can sometimes take a while (30-60 seconds), but we will automatically download your file as soon as it’s ready into your Downloads folder. If you want to close the app and come back later you can do that too. Just click the green checkmark next to your project to download the latest exported version when you jump back into the app. Learn more about this issue here.

  • If Resound is exporting and has been stuck for 30 minutes or more without showing any progress, contact us in the app messenger.

How long does it take to export and download from Resound?

Exporting can take anywhere from 60 seconds to 15 minutes or more.

This depends primarily on the speed of your internet connection, the size of your file(s), the number of files, and the number of file formats you choose to export.

Because of how subjective this is, it’s hard to give a concrete time that it takes.

As soon as you click “Export” in Resound, the app begins the process of making edits to your audio files, keeping multitrack projects in sync, preparing your file names, and zipping them up into an organized folder.

If you believe the app is not working (and it’s been exporting for more than 30 mins) feel free to reach out in the app messenger to get support.

What is the shortest and longest file length Resound accepts?

For uploads, there is no minimum or maximum file length requirement.

For processing, there is no minimum length requirement, but there is a maximum. When you process audio through Resound's AI, it counts towards your monthly usage time. That's 20 mins for free plans, 4 hrs for Creator, 10 hrs for Pro, and 30 hours for Studio plans. If your file exceeds the remaining usage time on your account you will be asked to upgrade or wait until your usage time renews.

Why is my upload stuck at 75%?

Sometimes the app appears stuck at 75% while you upload but it is in fact still working on the backend. Please wait at least 15 minutes, as sometimes the upload is slower based on the size of the file, the number of files, and the speed of your internet connection. If you're still having trouble, please try canceling the upload and trying again. If that fails, please submit a ticket in the app through the messenger.

Account, Billing, and Subscription

How do I report a bug?

To report a bug or issue, please log in to the app, open the messenger (bottom right corner), and submit a ticket for our team to review.

When does my billing period end and usage time renew?

Resound plans are based around a simple concept of audio processing time. Audio processing time determines the length of audio or video files that you can upload to Resound. Your hours will be renewed at the start of your next billing cycle. This is true for free plans (which get 20 mins per month) and paid plans.

You can see when your plan renews in two places:

  1. By clicking on the "i" next to your Usage Meter at the top of the home screen.

  2. By going to Resound > Settings > Subscription and looking in the "Current Subscription" box

Usage time renews at the same time that you signed up for your account or that your billing renews, calculated using the UTC time zone. It's important to note that if you have a failed payment, your usage meter may not be updated.

Does unused audio processing time roll over to the next month?

Resound's core feature is AI filler sound detection and Enhance (ai mixing and mastering). You can use both of these features for a specific time limit each month, which we call usage time, audio processing time, or AI processing time.

Unused processing time does not rollover to the next month. Unused processing time expires and is refilled every month at your billing renewal date.

Does Resound offer student discounts?

Resound does not currently offer any Student or Educational discounts for our product. However, we may consider adding this in the future. If you have a unique circumstance that prevents you from paying for Resound, please log into the app and submit a ticket to share more information and request support. Please provide a detailed explanation about your unique situation, how we can help, and any other questions.

How do I delete my account?

Get step-by-step instructions on how to delete your Resound account here.

Do you still have questions after reading this article? Create a ticket in the messenger in the bottom right corner to get support.

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